Ardenne in Slow Travel : Discover the region at a leisurely pace.

Looking for a different kind of getaway in the Ardennes? Moments where every detail counts and every encounter is an enrichment? How could Slow Travel transform the way you travel?

Discover in this article how Slow Travel can transform your travels, offering unforgettable moments of cultural and ecological immersion.

What is Slow Travel?

Inspired by Slow Food: A New Horizon for Travel

The concept of Slow Travel is closely inspired by the Slow Food movement. The latter was born in reaction to the fast-foodization of society, and values local, quality food produced ethically and sustainably.

In the same way, Slow Travel invites us to appreciate each destination as we would savour a slow-cooked dish, prioritizing authenticity, quality and respect for the environment.This culinary inspiration translates into an approach to travel that favors deeper, more enriching experiences, centered on the discovery true of cultures and landscapes.

A Road Less Traveled

Slow Travel encourages us to forgo fast, polluting means of transport in favor of gentler, eco-friendly options, such as cycling or walking. This encourages a more intimate immersion in the destinations visited.

This way of traveling offers an alternative to conventional tourist circuits. It offers the chance to discover hidden places and connect more meaningfully with local communities.

Immerse yourself in local life

Embracing the principles of Slow Food, Slow Travel suggests living in accommodations that reflect the daily lives of locals, such as renting houses or studios. This approach not only helps minimize the traveler’s carbon footprint, but also paves the way for authentic relationships with the place and its inhabitants. It invites sharing their customs, their gastronomy, and their daily life.

At the Local Table

For meals, Slow Travel recommends restaurants that feature local products and encourages getting away from the tourist areas to discover places prized by the locals.

L’Impact Environnemental au Cœur du Voyage

En adoptant une attitude responsable et écologique, le Slow Travel met en lumière l’importance de préserver l’écosystème local. Voyager lentement permet de réduire son empreinte carbone tout en profitant pleinement de la richesse naturelle et culturelle des destinations.

Environmental Impact at the Heart of Travel

By adopting a responsible and ecological attitude, Slow Travel highlights the importance of preserving the local ecosystem. Travelling slowly allows you to reduce your carbon footprint while taking full advantage of destinations’ natural and cultural riches.

Why Choose the Ardennes for Slow Travel?

The Ardenne, with its green landscapes, dense forests and picturesque villages, perfectly embodies the spirit of Slow Travel. This region, rich in nature and history, offers an ideal playground for those seeking to immerse themselves in a soothing environment. It also invites you to discover an authentic and profound culture.

Here’s why the Ardennes stands out as a destination of choice for Slow Travel :

A Preserved Natural Setting

The Ardennes is an invitation to reconnect with nature. Its vast green expanses, winding rivers and gentle hills are all backdrops that incite contemplation and relaxation.

By opting for the Ardennes as part of a Slow mode trip, visitors choose complete immersion in a setting where time seems to slow down. This experience fosters a genuine disconnection from everyday life.

A wealth of culture and history

Beyond its natural beauty, the Ardennes is a land steeped in history. Castle, medieval fortresses, and small traditional villages dot the landscape, offering travelers the chance to delve into the past and discover the local heritage.

Authentic encounters

The Ardennes’ peaceful pace of life and the warm welcome of its inhabitants encourage authentic encounters. By choosing to immerse themselves in the local culture, travelers can forge genuine bonds with the people of the Ardennes, share moments in life and understand the traditions of the region. These enriching exchanges are at the heart of the Slow Travel experience.

An Ecological Approach

The Ardennes, with its commitment to the preservation of its environment natural and its biodiversity, corresponds to the values of Slow Travel. Getting around by foot, by bike or by kayak on the rivers allows you to minimize your ecological impact while taking full advantage of the varied landscapes that the region has to offer.

Flexibility and Diversity of Activities

Whether it’s hikes in the forests, visits to local producers, discovering traditional crafts or sampling Ardennes gastronomy, the Ardennes offers a multitude of activities aligned with Slow Travel. This diversity allows everyone to personalize their stay according to their interests and enjoy a unique experience.

Planning your Slow Travel adventure in the Ardennes

Slow travel in the Ardennes offers an immersive and rewarding experience, which requires careful preparation to get the most out of it. Here are a few tips for planning your adventure.

When to go?

The best time to go on an adventure in the Ardennes varies according to the activities you want to enjoy.

For hiking and discovering nature, spring (April to June) and autumn (September to November) offer pleasant temperatures and colorful scenery, ideal for photographers and nature lovers.

The summer (July and August) is perfect for enjoying outdoor activities, local festivals, and the summer village atmospheres.The winter, with its blanket of snow, offers fairy landscapes and activities such as cross-country skiing or snowshoe treks, for those who appreciate the cold and tranquility of snowy landscapes.

Where to stay?

The Ardennes is full of accommodation options that fit in with slow travel.

Favor lodges, bed & breakfast, or vacation rentals, which will allow you to live at the local rhythm. These options offer a more personal and authentic experience, as well as encouraging interaction with the locals.

For total immersion, consider a stay in a farmhouse or eco-lodge, which emphasize sustainability and respect for the environment.

Europ’Aventure itself has invested in a lodge in the heart of Saint-Hubert, close to hiking trails and local shops.

How to get around?

The Ardennes invites you to slow down and enjoy the scenery, making walking and biking ideal ways to explore the region.

Numerous marked trails and bike routes are available for all levels.

For longer distances or to discover several areas of the Ardennes, renting a car may be an option. However, opt for eco-friendly vehicles or share journeys to minimize your carbon footprint.

Public transport, such as local trains and buses, also offers an alternative way of getting around in an eco-responsible and economical way. You can reach the starting points of our itineraries by public transport.

Unmissable Slow Travel Experiences in the Ardennes

Slow travel in the Ardennes is the luxury of slowing down to take in the region’s natural, cultural and human riches. Here are some not-to-be-missed experiences to help you fully experience the Ardennes at a more leisurely pace.

Hiking and Discovery Trails

The Ardennes is a paradise for lovers of hiking. With its ancestral forests, river valleys and breathtaking panoramas, exploring the Ardennes on foot offers a real connection with nature.

Trails like the GR16, skirting the Semois, offer immersion in varied landscapes, between waterways, plateaus and dense forest.Take time to observe the flora and fauna, listen to the murmur of streams and the song of birds. Themed hikes are also available to discover the Ardennes from different angles: historical, gastronomic, or even legendary.

Artisanal and gastronomic encounters

Slow travel in the Ardennes also means discovering traditional know-how and tasting local products.

Take time to visit craft breweries where beer is still brewed using ancestral methods.

Meet passionate cheesemakers, bakers and chocolatiers who will be delighted to share their love for their craft.

Take part in local cooking workshops to learn how to concoct Ardennes dishes with fresh local ingredients.

These gustatory experiences are a privileged gateway to Ardennes culture and traditions.

Cultural and historical immersion

The Ardennes is packed with historical and cultural sites that are well worth an in-depth visit. The fortified castle, witnesses to the region’s turbulent history, like the Castle of Bouillon, offer exceptional panoramas and captivating exhibitions on the Middle Ages. Several of our itineraries end in the heart of Bouillon such as the Trasardennaise, Between Lesse et Semois, the GR16 de la Semois offering you the opportunity to visit the town after your stay. 

Local museums and interpretation centers, such as the Bastogne War Museum, provide insight into key events in contemporary history, including the Battle of the Bulge.

For an immersive experience, attend historical re-enactments or festivals celebrating Ardennes traditions. These moments of sharing and discovery enrich your trip with a strong emotional dimension.

Tips for a Successful Slow Travel in the Ardennes

  • Take your time: Don’t rush. The essence of slow travel is to fully immerse yourself in each experience without rushing.
  • Be curious: Take an interest in people’s stories, their culture, and be open to meeting new people. Every exchange is an opportunity to learn and grow.
  • Travel light : Take with you only what you need. A slow-travel trip is also an opportunity to free yourself from material superfluities.
  • Leave room for the unexpected: Don’t plan everything. Leave room for adventure and spontaneity. The most beautiful discoveries are often those that are not planned.

Adopt an eco-responsible approach: Be aware of your environmental impact and favor practices that respect nature and local cultures.

Slow Travel with Europ’Aventure?

All our tours can be enjoyed on foot, by bike or mountain bike, which means you can enjoy your stay at your own pace. What’s more, you’ll be welcomed in local accommodations such as family-run hotels, guest houses and gîtes run by local villagers.